Customized Artificial Intelligence Applications at Scale

Argus removes the complexity of building and servicing customized Artificial Intelligence applications at scale.

Powered by Argus OS, a new technology stack for AI/ML apps, Argus designs, and deploys customized solutions within months for both startups and large enterprises.

Query & Generate

Improve organizational productivity with Generative AI

Harness the power of Large Language Models (LLM) on internal data bases and knowledge banks. Answer queries via simple natural language (NLP) prompts using Web dashboard, SMS, Slack, or MS Teams .

Applications: Knowledge mining, quality control, due diligence, sales and service support, sales and marketing management, production support, and training.

Improve efficiency - embed in internal and external workflows

Be self reliant - no coding required and no waiting for I.T.

Get more out of your existing databases

Predict & Prevent

Improve yield and utilization by preventing process and or equipment failures

Trained AI/ML algorithms autonomously monitor machine and process data and predict when machine or process will deviate from normal operating conditions. Alert in advance so pre-emptive action can be taken.

Applications: Steel Making, Cement Mfg., Welding, Injection Molding, and Equipment (e.g. Electric Motors, Battery Fleets, auxiliary manufacturing equipment, Robot fleets).

Avoid outages and improve operational KPIs - OEE, yield, & savings

Increase revenue - augment OEM product offerings with predictive AI

Reduce machine downtime - predict health & optimize asset utilization

Reduce carbon footprint for zero capex

Detect Anomalies

Augment observability and reaction time with software

Trained AI/ML algorithms autonomously monitor machine, process, and transactional data and alert when process anomalies (statistical trends that are abnormal) are detected.

Applications: process and equipment anomalies, fraud alerts in financial transactions, anomalous behavior in cyber security

Monitor thousands of data points autonomously

Augment OEM product offerings with anomaly detection feature

Deploy context and role specific alerts

Augment Vision

Monitor millions of images and video feeds autonomously

Trained Neural Networks (e.g. CNN) autonomously classify millions of data points from digital images and video to monitor parts, people, and or workflows.

Applications: Manufacturing (Part Inspection, Worker Safety, Supply Chain - inventory), Equipment (Visual data), Heath (Image or video classification to detect disease, monitor OR personnel), Autonomous cars (LIDAR and other sensor data), Workflow (training, adherence to rules, safety)

Monitor millions of parts/data points autonomously with software

Faster and more accurate than human observers

Improve safety - track workflow and flag unsafe conditions

Classify into categories of interest (e.g. good, bad, anomalous)

Our current and past customers

Build it with Argus

Argus manages the entire workflow from data onboarding, model design and testing, and deployment, data security, architecture decisions and support services.